You must have car insurance if you drive a car. Car insurance not only helps pay for damages, but for liability for injury to yourself and others. Since you must carry it, you should know how to make sure that you are getting the best rates possible. Rather than go with the cheapest policy, you should look on how to get discounts on the policies you want.
Do not make your job sound exciting or risky. This sounds very odd, but insurance professionals have a list of high-risk and low-risk careers. This is drawn from data of people involved in auto accidents and what their occupations are. Engineers are less likely to get in a wreck than a promotions specialist and insurance companies will charge more for the high-risk careers.
It is up to you to keep a clean driver’s record. You should check your record once a year, to make sure that it is accurate and up to date. If you find something that should have been removed, then make sure that you contact the proper authorities. This can save you a great deal of money.
If you really want to save money, you should also look at the type of car you drive. People that drive sports cars are far more
prone to get in an accident than those that drive a standard sedan or station wagon. You will want to get a list of all the safety features that your car has as well. Make sure that they are all accounted for on the discount list when you are getting insurance quotes online or with an agent. If they are not, ask why they are not. Agents will usually yield to people that are pointing out decreased liability to lower their costs.
Assuming more risk is another way to keep costs low. When you take a higher deductable, the insurance company pays less if you total your car. Insurance companies promote the driver to take more of the responsibility on, by lowering the premium for people with higher deductibles. If you do take this option, you will want to make sure that you have the money, just in case you do need it.
Many people will take the saving in premiums and put it into savings so that they can afford the deductable if anything happens.
If you have more than one car, you may also qualify for a multi car discount. Couples often make the mistake of having separate car insurance. They do not realize that if they combined the cars onto one policy, they could save money. The insurance company rewards people for the extra business and considers it unlikely that both cars would be wrecked. Not all providers offer multi-car discounts, some providers require that both cars be under a single name.
These few things can help you reduce your car insurance bill. There are many more, such as group affiliations (AAA), or senior citizen’s discounts. Do your homework and compare different policies and rates. Never be afraid to negotiate. If you find lower rates from one provider, share that information with another. They may lower their rates to keep your business.
Do not make your job sound exciting or risky. This sounds very odd, but insurance professionals have a list of high-risk and low-risk careers. This is drawn from data of people involved in auto accidents and what their occupations are. Engineers are less likely to get in a wreck than a promotions specialist and insurance companies will charge more for the high-risk careers.
It is up to you to keep a clean driver’s record. You should check your record once a year, to make sure that it is accurate and up to date. If you find something that should have been removed, then make sure that you contact the proper authorities. This can save you a great deal of money.
If you really want to save money, you should also look at the type of car you drive. People that drive sports cars are far more
prone to get in an accident than those that drive a standard sedan or station wagon. You will want to get a list of all the safety features that your car has as well. Make sure that they are all accounted for on the discount list when you are getting insurance quotes online or with an agent. If they are not, ask why they are not. Agents will usually yield to people that are pointing out decreased liability to lower their costs.
Assuming more risk is another way to keep costs low. When you take a higher deductable, the insurance company pays less if you total your car. Insurance companies promote the driver to take more of the responsibility on, by lowering the premium for people with higher deductibles. If you do take this option, you will want to make sure that you have the money, just in case you do need it.
Many people will take the saving in premiums and put it into savings so that they can afford the deductable if anything happens.
If you have more than one car, you may also qualify for a multi car discount. Couples often make the mistake of having separate car insurance. They do not realize that if they combined the cars onto one policy, they could save money. The insurance company rewards people for the extra business and considers it unlikely that both cars would be wrecked. Not all providers offer multi-car discounts, some providers require that both cars be under a single name.
These few things can help you reduce your car insurance bill. There are many more, such as group affiliations (AAA), or senior citizen’s discounts. Do your homework and compare different policies and rates. Never be afraid to negotiate. If you find lower rates from one provider, share that information with another. They may lower their rates to keep your business.